



Menu Plan Monday 5/13/13

Yeah this is a day late LOL
I planned out only a handful of meals for this week and next (I only menu plan every two weeks because that's how often we go to the grocery store) I did this because my husband will be gone a couple days this week and the other days I work in the evening so really we won't have a lot of meals together this week.
We received a Bountiful Baskets co-op share this past weekend so a lot of the recipes are centered around the produce we received (which was tons of green peppers, lettuce and I went nuts at the grocery store for sale tomatoes and mushrooms. 
I never usually pick which days I'm making which, I just know I have ingredients for these recipes on hand so I can make them any day.

To see more of my menu plan recipes check out my board on Pinterest!


Fashion Fridays - Suspenders!

So this is a day late but I figure that's ok! 

The other day as I was in Hot Topic they had their clearance Buy One Get One FREE!  PLUS I get my associate discount (from Torrid) there as well.  So I found some Jack Skellington ear buds and was looking for a second item.  These Hello Kitty suspenders really caught my eye.  I was unsure if I could successfully pull them off.  Tucking in my shirt, suspenders, hello was all a risk!

I am so so so glad I got them, I may go back for a couple more pairs as well.  I did rock them with my Hello Zombie shirt I recevied from my BFF (and I'm unsure where she got it from) and also with my ankle zip stilletto pants from Torrid.  Some black flats and a Hello Kitty nerd headband were my only other accessories as I wanted the suspenders to steal the show.  Feeling totally chubby and unsure having my shirt tucked in I strolled into work yesterday and everyone loved em!!  I got rave reviews on my Instagram and Facebook.  All in all I was really pleased. 

Be yourself.  That's my only tip from this fashion day.  I deal with this on a daily basis at work.  Helping women who are considered plus size try to step out of their box of wearing jeans that are too small or too baggy, all black and nothing form fitting.  Women need to embrace their curves.  Love yourself, even your flaws.  I am the worst, I critizie myself terribly.  But every now and then I find an outfit I feel fabulous in.  Every woman needs that feeling. 

So on that note I will share with you my suspender outfit and then today's outfit for work.  To see my daily outfits on Instagram be sure to follow me (sallystitches31) Instagram
Yesterday's outfit consists of:
HK shirt - ???
Stilletto jeans - Torrid
Suspenders - Hot Topic
Flats - Payless
Headband - Claire's

Today's outfit consists of:
Shrug - Maurices
Black tank - Old Navy
Blue cami - Torrid
Bow belt - Bettie Paige Store
Skirt - Torrid
Necklace - Torrid
Bracelet - Lia Sophia


Toddler Tuesday - Fingerpainting

So now that my little one is turning into a little man I love doing lots of new activities with him.  I'm pretty relaxed where I'm not too worried about a little mess or a lotta mess as long as he's having fun and maybe learning something. 
So we've tried painting before but it's mostly been just handprints for projects or feet prints for gifts.  I never let him just go wild with paint and he didn't seem all that interested.  But now with the weather finally getting nice we can go outside and make a mess.  Today was that perfect day.  He had a great nap and was in a good mood so we went outside with the paints, a throw away plate for the paints, his huge scribble pad and a few flower pots to paint for mother's day.  I had clothes on him that I could care less if they got dirty and really with the crayola fingerpaints it doesn't matter much as it is all washable.
At first he was a little apprehensive but I demonstrated a little and got myself pretty covered in paint as well.  We had a blast!!  I even lifted him up and dipped his feet and he walked all over stuff.  The driveway looks like a rainbow exploded and he successfully painted a huge picture and two flower pots.  Cleanup was a breeze as I just put him in the sink and washed him off. 
I loved it and he loved it.  I think we will do a lot more painting exercises.  I'm excited to introduce him to paint brushes too to help with his dexterity.  I love crafts so so much and I hope he embraces his creativity forever!!
Here is a few shots from the day!
Happy Painting!


New Blogging Subjects!

So in an attempt to blog more often about the various things that interest me on a weekly basis I thought about possibly having a different idea for each day of the week to keep it a bit more organized!  I may not necessarily blog daily but more often!  If there is ever an idea you would like to see please let me know!  Here are the new ideas:

  • Social Media Sunday - I'll chit chat about new things I see or do on some different social media sites which may include: Instagram, Postcrossing, Facebook, and any of the other blogs I follow.
  • Menu Plan Monday - I try to menu plan weekly or bi-weekly so here I will post some of the recipes I will be using along with links to my favorite recipes.  This day is all about food!
  • Toddler Tuesday - This will be all about toddler activities, recipes and mannerisms.  We're approaching the terrible two's in our home so new things are discovered weekly LOL
  • What I'm Watching Wednesday - We don't have cable but we do watch Netflix, Hulu and DVD's often.  We have a DVD collection of 600+ movies and tv shows so I will use this day to discuss and review movies and tv shows I recently watched and loved (or hated!)
  • Pin-testing Thursday - I'm addicted to Pinterest and like to try a lot of the things I find on there whether they are crafts or recipes or home improvement things.  This will follow my successes and failures...
  • Fashion Friday - I work at an amazing clothing store and have always loved hair and makeup.  I will post photos of outfits from throughout the week along with new makeup and hair ideas!
  • Stitchin' Saturday - I will update on some of the new and old stitching projects I'm working on.  Including cross-stitching, sewing, knitting and crochet.
I'm very excited to start sharing with everyone the things that interest me the most and hope you follow on the day(s) you are most excited about!  Which sound most interesting to you??