



Growing a baby...

So this is my first time around growing a human being and it sure has been a journey!  I thought I knew how it would be and everyday was a surprise!  I wish I would've been blogging throughout the entire thing but oh well, next time!

So today I am about 36 weeks and I have definitely hit the wall and I am ready for this baby!  hahaha I don't plan on rushing it at all of course  but if baby decided it was ready I wouldn't object!

I have grown a massive amount and baby has dropped even within a month:

A quick background with this pregnancy.  Hubby and I had been married for 2 years (together for 7) when we decided we wanted to try for a baby.  Our first year of marriage consisted of chemo and radiation appointments for my husband who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system).  So he had been in remission for a year and we were given not a very good chance of getting pregnant.  I had been tracking my monthly cycle so I knew when would be the best time to try and we did.  And it worked, the first time!  We went on to buy a house and move in and then found out 3 days after we moved in that we were pregnant!  We were excited and shocked all at the same time!  Now that was almost 8 months ago!

I have had a very good pregnancy, better than I ever could have expected.  I was blessed with not having morning sickness, I would get nauseous if I didn't eat, but that was about it.  Then that burst of 2nd trimester energy hit me and it hit me big!  I felt fantastic, fell in love with my growing curves and was getting pretty excited.  Then the lovely 3rd trimester hit me and hit kind of hard.  I got extremely tired and sore very quickly, heartburn took over my days and nights, and the simple task of putting on pants became a chore! 

So now I'm in the home stretch!  I have been having Braxton Hicks like crazy and my doctor says I am progressing very well and fast.  Baby is head down and ready to go!!  So now I just wait until it is ready...

I thought I would compile a list of the 25 things I learned while being pregnant!  Enjoy and comment back if you agree with any of em!!
  1. If you don't find out the gender people will be either mad or supportive, silly really, we will all know eventually!
  2. People will try to talk you out of breastfeeding, cloth diapering and natural childbirth....don't listen to them!  Everyone is different and if it's something you wanna try, do it!!
  3. You will somehow know 500 other pregnant women all the sudden!  My Facebook is overflowing with mommies-to-be.
  4. Your husband will become amazing over the months of your pregnancy....well at least mine did.  :)
  5. Getting undressed and dressed now becomes a chore you hate.
  6. You haven't known heartburn until you have pregnancy heartburn.
  7. You will cry, a lot, and about stupid things.
  8. Give in to cravings.  No matter if it's ice cream at 8am or tacos at midnight.  Do it!
  9. People will say stupid things to you....take em with a grain of salt.
  10. Take photos of your growing belly.  I look back at the beginning when I thought I was HUGE and giggle to myself because I know I am huge now! LOL
  11. If people offer to do things for you let them, but be grateful.
  12. Peeing sucks....I've never hated it more!
  13. Do your kegals :)
  14. Don't be afraid to utilize massage therapy, chiropractors, acupuncture and physical therapy for pain or will make a world of difference.
  15. Keep a journal or blog about your whole pregnancy...I wish I would have.
  16. Your boobs and nipples will change their appearance more than you will know! hahaha
  17. Make sure you keep your boundaries with friends and family, if people are intruding too much just tell them.  You will feel so much better if you do.
  18. Your pets will know, our chihuahuas have been soooo clingy for the last couple weeks.
  19. I enjoy having my belly rubbed and poked at....some women don't, just make sure you respect an expecting mama's wishes before invading her personal space.
  20. Love and feel comfortable with your doctor.  If you don't feel comfortable before labor and delivery you won't during.  My doctor is absolutely AMAZING!!
  21. If you have a fairly easy pregnancy don't let others make you feel bad about it or don't beat yourself up for it.  Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different.
  22. Make sure your employer respects and listens to your needs during your pregnancy, if they don't you need to do whatever it takes to make sure you and your baby stay healthy.
  23. Even if you feel like vegging on the couch all day and all night, go to lunch or coffee with a friend.  It will boost your energy and spirits.
  24. Even if you aren't feeling particularly sexy or beautiful your more beautiful than you know.  Embrace it!
  25. You (I) can grow a human being.  We are strong as women and nothing is impossible.  Believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything!!
Yay for babies and pregnant women everywhere!!


  1. You look fantastic! Almost there :) That is wonderful that your hubby and you are soon to be parents after his diagnosis. Hope all is going well & Congrats!

    Your newest follower,

  2. I loved this post! I feel like I know so much more about you! You are cute with a pregnancy belly! I envy you for not being sick. I was extremely sick with both of my pregnancy's and even landed myself a couple overnight hospital stays.

    I know the last few weeks/days are the hardest! You can get through this! As you further progress you can look into taking evening primrose oil (google it), I think that really made a big difference in my 2nd pregnancy!

    And when it comes to BFing, CDing, and babywearing.. I know exactly where you are coming from I am a crunchy/hippy mama myself! ;)

    p.s. I hope your husband has kicked the cancer for good!
